Friday, January 18, 2008

Off day creatively

Yesterday was a sort of off day creatively. My sewing shrine hit some snags when one of the dress forms fell off her base. So I can't put a hanger on it and show it to you yet. And I was just having one of THOSE days ya know? But I did make these little Button Fairies. I used pics from old year books I have scavanged. These could be cute Xmas ornaments done with angel faces and reds, greens, and golds. Or use baby pics from your kids. I'll have to think about that.

The second pic is a skull I dot painted. I've always admired the Aboriginal dot paintings I've seen on line. So I figured I'd give it a shot. And I'm here to tell you that this is much much harder that it looks! But I am really pleased with how it came out. I used metallic paints so it sort of shimmers in the right light. I don't know if I will be doing another one , but I'm glad I tried it.

My husband Jimi and I went to a movie together yesterday. First one in 14 years! He's retired now so he's not working all hours and weekends and we should be able to actually do stuff again! We saw 'Bucket List'. Definetly worth seeing. And here's my bucket list:
1. Stand on a fairy mound in Ireland
2.Have an outfit designed just for me in the colors and fabrics I pick.
3.Spend some more time around the mountains in Wyoming and Colorado
4.Have a gallery show
5. See Stomp again

What's on your bucket list?


morningDove said...

Congrats on blogging and your fairy buttons are fantastic. thanks for sharing, i'll check back from time to time.

Moonwillow said...

Your button fairies are adorable! and that skull, I know that took a tremendous amount of patience! Great blog, I will be sure to bookmark it so I can come back often. (hugs) Moon