Friday, December 19, 2008
My Show and Snowmen
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Guardian
This shot shows his feet which I added claws to. They came from my really old cat who sheds them on a regular basis. I don't know why but he does. And being me, I save them
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The winner and the Winter Queen
So awhile ago I started the Winter Queen and gave up on her.
I just couldn't figure out how to finish her up. Then my sister Kate suggested the fabric treatment and VOILA she was right.Itis just what I needed.
I pried up part of the fox fur and glued it inplace. Then I just twisted it till it looked right. Then I sewed a few seed beads to hold the twist in place.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sculpting the wind
So, awhile ago I posted about the wind arund here. It blows all the time seems like. And we live a couple of 15 feet from the edge of a pine forest, so it sounds sometimes like being in a tornado.
So it was bothering me one night and I started thinking of that song 'They Call The Wind Mariah'. And I decided to sculpt the wind.
I LOVE using window screen. You can get some very cool effects from it.
Then I made the face from sculpey and beaded around her.
Angel Obscura
Friday, October 31, 2008
Yay I'm back online!!!
I have some big news. I am going to be having a gallery show in Dec. It is my first and I will be showing with another mixed media artist. This is my first show and I am very excited.
So this is one of the peices I made for it. The face is painted and covered with pics of silver screen sirens. The film reels are mounted with liquid nails. The curly stuff is film strips. I call her 'Goddess' Of The Silver Screen.
Then I placed them around and glued them in place. Then since I mounted them on canvas I used modeling paste instead of grout. I thought the grout might be too heavy. Then I painted using metallic craft paint. And there you go. It is called 'Reflections'.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Finished Whimsy
So, this is an 8x10 canvas. First I put a light coat of modeling paste down. After that dried the first color went on. Sfter that dried I put on the second color. But I didn't cover it completely. And around the edges of some of the open spaces I dabbed with a paper towel just cuz. I put the blue on sort of thick and while it was still wet I wrote in it with the big end of a flat toothpick.
Here's what I wrote:
what would you be if you could dream a new life
would you fly across the clouds or glide to the bottom of the ocean
would you dance across the stage of life taking bows and giving encores
would you sing in a voice so pure it would make people cry
or would you just be
Then I found a bird image and cut into it so it would look like the bird had dressed up in peacock feathers. Then I found the metal thingie in my stash and there ya go!
Oh and I painted some little wooden pieces black and glued them up top.
This piece is titled' Dream' and after I live with it for awhile it will probably go into my Etsy shop.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Dragon In The Making
So that's what I've been up to.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
OMG I left out a step!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sunken Tin Tutorial
So anyway, here is how I did the piece retitled 'She Waits'.
I took an Altoid tin apart. Then I traced around the bottom of the tin on the front of the canvas. Then I cut into it in an X shape, making sure not to go all the way to the edges. I wanted to have a snug fit.
Then I put the tin in from the front. I masking taped it in front to hold it in place. Then I folded the pieces from the X over the tin and glued them in place.
I cut a piece of paper and glued it into the tin. Then I found an image I liked and a flower, and took the middle out of the flower. I glued a watch face to the flower and glued it into the tin. Then I gel mediumed the image so it looks like she is holding the flower.
Oh, before I filled the tin I painted the background. Then I thought it needed something, so I got out my Rub n Buff and applied it to the swirls. I used copper. I love this stuff. A little goes a loooong way and you can buff it to a shine.
Then I painted some lace trim black and glued it in place and glued on the letters. I may knock down the background color a bit, but other than that I think it's done.
Oh, I did put some filler on the inside edges of the tin too.
I listed some more magazines and supplies in my Etsy store. One set of mags is Arts and Activities. It used to be put out by the Expressions folk. A great mag for working artistically with kids.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
This and That
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Working the Flood
Now I have been going into the next town over to help feed people who need it.
The town is Keithsburg and they have suffered greatly from this. A tiny place, full of nice people, many older, they really need help.
I have been working with the pastor of their church, and if anyone would like to help here is what you can do...
There are many many months of clean-up ahead of them. Many families lost everything inside their homes. The clean-up after a flood is really nasty. To see everything piled at the curb breaks your heart.
So if anyone is interested, they could use gift cards from Wal-Mart, Lowes and Menards. That way they can get lumber,drywall,bleach,rubber gloves and all the other things they will need to come back from this devistation.
Cards can be sent to:
Pastor Chuck Reynolds
Keithsburg Christian Church
2005 Main St.
Keithsburg, Il
He will see that they are used correctly.
Thank you
Thursday, June 12, 2008
An Inka original and a Skull
This is the skull I got from my friend Rose. I started doing the regular dot painting that I have done before and ended up painting it out twice!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Another Vintage Sewing Shrine
I'm pleased with this, I think it is retro funky fun.
I will be putting it in my Etsy store.
Friday, June 6, 2008
I Got Tagged
So the way this works is I post 6 things about me that people don't know. Then I tag 6 people and they post and so on and so on. Also I let them know they have been tagged by E-mail.
So, let's see, I did this once before so it's a little harder to come up with something interesting or weird.
1- Clowns weird me out! I don't think they're funny, I think they're scary. I won't even do an ATC exchange that is clowns!
2-I am painfully shy. I am uncomfortable meeting new people. And I would rather be in the background then ever have attention on me.
3-The only sporting event I will willingly watch from beginning to end is Heavyweight Boxing.Of course it was different when Michael Jordan played for the Bulls and when Ditka coached the Bears.
4-I cannot stand to have anyone use my pillow. Doesn't matter who it is, don't touch my pillow.
5-I get really freaked out by the wind in the pines. I am always afraid a tree will blow over onto the house.
6-I'm a good shot.
Whew, that was hard.
So now I am tagging:
Inka from
Linda from
Kim from
Kim from
Dawn from
Val from
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Suggested by Val
I used Artist board for the base again. I really like it when I am going to be adding a lot of stuff. No worries about buckling or warping. And it isn't too expensive. I get mine from Dick Blick.
Instead of tissue paper, this time I gooped on gesso and layed cheese cloth on. Then I added more gesso, just glopped it on and threw in some modeling paste just 'cause.
I put the branch on first. Glued it in place and after it dried, I added the nest and other stuff.
The nest was a many step process. First I gel-mediumed it. Then after that dried I gessoed it. Then after that dried I cut it in half. I glued it in place with E6000, the same glue I used for the branch and window and bricks and bark.
Then I used gel-medium to attach the leaves.
After that all dried, I used modeling paste to build up around the bricks and window and branch and nest etc. I just use my fingers to put it on. Easier to smooth that way.
Then I put modeling paste on top of all the leaves. I let them set for a few minutes and took a toothpick and drew in the veins.
After that all dried I gessoed everything. After that dried I looked around at different angles and added more modeling paste where I needed to.
From there it is just painting. I do the whole thing in one color. Then I use a shade lighter for accent. Then I use metallic craft paints for hi-lights. This was a tough one to paint. Lots of nooks and crannies. I even had to use a toothpick to get into the nest spaces.
Oh I almost forgot, I mounted the eye in paper clay. And the arm coming out of the nest is from a doll I took apart. It is holding a little egg.
So that's how it's done. Very time consuming with all the dry time. But fun I think.
Friday, May 30, 2008
What I've been doing and what I'm gonna do
She also has a website in my links-Altered Rose.
I have been doing another textured piece too. It may be finished, I'm not sure.
I really like the way the nest turned out. But man what a pain making sure all the little spaces are painted!
I completed Dawns little thingie, but I can't show it to you 'cause it is in the mail on it's way to her and she should see it first. Dawn is another amazing artist-Gold Betty Boop- in my links.
I'm really very lucky to have met so many artists online.
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Jawbone Of A ???
The poor farmers around here still have water laying in their fields. I'll bet they are checking the want ads for summer work, 'cause it doesn't look good for planting.
But I have been working in my studio too. I have a couple of pieces in the works, and I finished this. I don't know what kind of jaw this is for sure. I think it's a Deer. I'm almost positive it is.
Anyway, I drilled a hole(very carefully) in it for the hangar. And then just started painting.
I did the black parts because the bone was so rough it wouldn't take dot painting.
I gave it a sinew hanger and a turquoisebead, shell slice and Duck feather embellishment.
I'm liking the black parts and may have to play around with them some more.
I am working on another heavily backgrounded piece like 'Life Outside The Window'. And another shrine.
Oh and I am doing a little surprise for my online buddy Dawn (Gold Betty Boop). I saw an image that made me think of her and I had to do something with it.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Ahead Of The Game
So when I took her apart, I kept her head on my worktable. That sounds sort of odd doesn't it? But the longer I looked at her, the more she reminded me of those lovely seniors who travel to Bingo games and play the Slots etc.